Molly Nilsson lyrics "we`re never coming home"
"Oh, It's too easy
We're already bored.
But we leave every party the last,
just like before.
We're so young in old places,
and we have nothing but our young faces.
And the world is sick,
sick and closed since hundreds of years.
Red neon in the street, strangers will never meet.
Was it worth it, was it really worth it?
I don't know.
But something got stuck in our clothes,
ciggarettesmoke in our hair.
I have a feeling, we should be going somewhere.
But you know, that I know that
We're never coming home,
we're never coming home.
And you know, that I know that you know that I know...
Oh, It's so easy
In the night.
It takes a while for our eyes to adjust to the light.
We're so young in the city,
our bodies are young and pretty
And the world is old,
old and freezing cold.
It needs our feverish heat,
in the street.
The red neon playing in the rain,
and you say,
that's our young thick blood running down the drain.
Even when I try, I know that's a lie,
you know that I know that
We're never coming home."
And the original poem, that inspired molly, is from the swedish poet
Bruno K. Øijer`s Anthology "Dimman Av Allt" (Wahlström & Widstrand, 2001)
"vi lämnade
varje fest sist av alla
och vi hade ingenting
bara våra unga ansikten
världen var sjuk
sjuk och stängd sedan tusentals år
röd neon föll som glöder
gatorna rann av svart
och jag vet inte vad det var värt
hur mycket som finns kvar
men det satte sig i våra kläder
satte sig i vårt hår
och vi har inte kommit hem
det är en lögn att vi kommit hem
vi kommer aldrig hem
ingen av oss kommer hem"
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